Translation of documents for Israelis applying for migration visas for Australia, or for working holiday visas, or for citizenship by descent.
Whether you are using the services of a migration agent or not, if you are in the process of preparing an application for an Australian immigrant visa or some other consular service, you may need to supply translations of various documents. These could include:
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Extract of Entry, or Certificate of Change of Name from the Ministry of the Interior
- Certification of IDF service, IDF Discharge Evaluation or IDF Exemption Certificate
- University, college or professional certificates and transcripts
- Utility bills or rental contracts
- Work references, employment contracts, salary documents
- and many other types of documents
If you have these documents translated by a NAATI-recognized translator, you will not need to have the translations notarized. Perry Zamek is a NAATI-recognized translator for Hebrew living in Israel.
You can send your original documents to me by e-mail and your completed translations will be returned by email, or by mail (not recommended unless you absolutely have to have originals of the translations). You can also deliver the documents in person, or collect them in person. Payment can be made by bank transfer, or via one of the payment apps (Bit, Paybox). In Australia, payment may be made into my Australian bank account. Paypal is also available.
For a list of current prices, effective January 1, 2025 (PDF format), click here.
For instructions and application form, click here.
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To contact me, click here.